“The Architecture of Exclusion: Law and Race in Paul Beatty’s The Sellout”—in process.
“Mark Twain and Margaret Garner: Personhood, Property, and Kinship in Puddn’head Wilson”—in process.
"Faulkner’s Future Americans.” Faulkner’s Families, ed. Jay Watson. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Series, University Press of Mississippi—forthcoming.
“When Difference Becomes Dangerous: intersectional identity formation and the protective cover of whiteness in Faulkner’s Light in August.” The Faulkner Journal issue 31.1 (Spring 2019). pp. 43-66.
“Reading Race in Nella Larsen’s Passing and the Rhinelander Case.” African American Review, Volume 46.2 (Summer 2013). Runner-up for the 2015 Weixlmann Prize.
“The Nature of the Beast: Scientific Theories of Race and Sexuality in McTeague.” Studies in American Naturalism, Volume 4, No. 1, Summer 2009. pp. 1-21. Winner of the Robert H. Elias Graduate Essay Prize.
“From ‘Shadowy Anguish’ to ‘The Million Lights of the Sun’: Racial Iconography in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening.” Kate Chopin in the 21st Century: New Critical Essays. Heather Ostman (Editor). Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2008. pp. 121-136.